The Electoral Code

Chapter I. Elected Offices

  1. The offices of Minister-President and Citizen-Speaker shall be considered elected offices.

  2. Any citizen of Carcassonne may stand for election to any elected office.

    1. No person may hold multiple elected positions simultaneously.
  3. An election for an elected office shall be held if three months have passed since the start of the previous election for said office, the Ecclesia chooses to hold an election for said office by a majority vote, or said office is vacant.

  4. No person may serve in the same elected office for more than two consecutive terms.

  5. The Ecclesia may remove any person holding an elected office by a majority vote.

Chapter II. Electoral Method

  1. Voting shall be administered by the Monarch.

  2. Voting will be conducted publicly, with an option for private voting.

    1. Private ballots shall be submitted to the Monarch. The Monarch will give the voter a ballot ID, which will be posted publicly with the ballot so that the voter can verify their ballot was counted.
  3. Should there be more than two candidates standing in any election, said election shall be conducted by Schulze Condorcet.

  4. Should there be a tie in any election, the election shall be extended for one week. Should the election continue to be tied after the extension has elapsed, the tie shall be resolved by the Senate.

This was amended by the Amendment to the Electoral Code on 12 Umbrôse, AR 11 (February 5, 2025).