Author’s summary:
What this bill does:
- Creates an open candidacy declaration period so all citizens can declare their interest in becoming a Minister.
- Creates a process for the Ecclesia and Minister-President to recall ministers.
What this bill does not do:
- Prevent the Minister-President from appointing additional Ministers (the Minister-President is still free to appoint additional ministries or other cabinet/government positions)
- Prevent ministries from being changed (the list of permanent ministries can always be easily changed as our region grows via amendment)
- Affect current ministers (the bill takes effect during the next election)
Hereby adds Chapter IV to The Electoral Code, to take effect during the next election for Minister-President:
Chapter IV: Permanent Ministries
- The Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Recruitment and Welcoming, and Culture shall be considered permanent ministries.
- An open candidacy declaration period shall run concurrent to each election for Minister-President.
- Any citizen of Carcassonne may declare candidacy during the candidacy declaration period for all permanent ministries they are interested in leading.
- The Minister-President shall appoint a Minister to lead each permanent ministry from among these candidates.
- No person may lead multiple permanent ministries simultaneously.
- This law shall not abridge the Minister-President’s capacity to appoint other government officials from among all citizens in good standing.
- Ministers leading each permanent ministry shall serve while they enjoy the confidence of the Ecclesia and Minister-President; they shall tender their resignation to the Monarch should they be unable to serve, are dismissed by the Minister-President, or the Ecclesia votes no confidence in their tenure.
Helpful links
Constitution: Constitution of Carcassonne
Electoral Code: The Electoral Code