Welcome to Carcassonne! šŸ‘‹

Oh thank god

Btw is there a way i could gain some sort of role on the forums? For example like ā€œforum keeperā€ or something? I really want to make a good impact on the region.
Itā€™s okay if no, i understand that it may not be appropriate right now.

No no, youā€™ve been around long enough for some kind of role. I donā€™t want to give out anything now as my term is coming to an end but you could certainly apply officially for some kind of position.

Yeah but i dont have discord and i dont intend on getting it either
Also want to join my religion

I, Aason, have finally made a forum account after like 3 months. Hi also


This is revolutionary!

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Welcome to the flarkinā€™ forums.

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Also btw how do you do images

Click the upload button when posting. Itā€™s the one with the mountain and sun.

Cool thanks
th (28)
Like this?

yeah pretty much

Cool beans

I got ā€œliscencedā€
I am the firwt ofmy kind respect me you shall

Cute doge


Y e

Hello everyone! I would do my greetings in the rmb but the site wont allow it. :pensive:


Hey Scotts! Do you mind if i call you that? I just like giving people nicknames lmao

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Good to see you here! How are you?

Doing well for the most part. Still waiting to see how much cards I will lose once the site is back up.

How have you been?