State Secrets Act 2024

Chapter I. Sealed Areas

  1. Every area on the forums of Carcassonne, or on any communications platform used by the government of Carcassonne, which is not accessible to all citizens is a sealed area.
  2. Without narrowing the scope of the above clause, every area established or used for diplomatic communications between representatives of Carcassonne and foreign actors is also a sealed area.
    The Minister-President is the responsible officer for any areas of the Government. The Monarch is the responsible officer for any areas of the armed forces or intelligence services. The Senate will designate the responsible officer for Senate areas. The Speaker is the responsible officer for any areas of the Ecclesia.

Chapter II. Secret Information

  1. Any information sourced from, or otherwise exclusively located in a sealed area or sealed areas is secret information.
  2. Only the responsible officer for the sealed area from which the secret information is sourced or a designee may authorize the release of secret information to another area.
  3. Failure to comply with the above clause constitutes releasing classified information without official sanction under the Criminal Code.

Chapter III. Top Secret Information

  1. Any information which is sourced from a military, intelligence, or diplomatic officer of Carcassonne in their capacity thereto, or which otherwise relates to military, intelligence, or diplomatic matters, is top secret information, if it is or was at one time designated secret under chapter II.
  2. Only the Minister-President or a designee is permitted to release top secret information to another area.
  3. Failure to comply with the above constitutes releasing classified information without official sanction under the criminal code. The trier of a criminal case must consider the fact that top secret information was released without sanction to be an aggravating factor when deciding a sentence.