[PROPOSAL] FOCUS Charter Amendments

Treaty on the Establishment of the Frontier Organization of Unity, Cooperation and Security

I. Preamble

Aware of the necessity of frontiers to stand together against unwanted aggression and to craft and deepen bonds of friendship among themselves, the signed parties enter into the following treaty which shall form the Frontier Organization for Cooperation, Unity, and Security (FOCUS). Through their signatures, the regions entering into this agreement recognize their history as frontiers, pledge to stand fast with each other and lift one another up, and state their commitment to the shared values of frontier unity, mutual protection, and friendly countenance.

II. Mandate and Membership

  1. The Frontier Organization for Cooperation, Unity, and Security shall have the following purposes:

a. To advance the cooperation of Frontier regions through the mutual advancement and empowering of each member region.
b. To promote unity among Frontier regions by advocating for Frontier-centered policy in the World Assembly.
c. To ensure the security of Frontier regions by organizing the defense of Frontiers and the dismantling of wastelands.

  1. Members of FOCUS must:

    a. Be a frontier region.
    b. If a member region transitions to a stronghold for the purposes of security, it must endeavor to create and follow a plan to transition back to a frontier in order to maintain eligibility.
    c. Maintain a World Assembly delegate, welcome telegram, and all other measures to ensure they receive the birth of new nations in the most expedient manner possible.
    d. Not work against the purposes of this alliance as described in this treaty.

  2. Aspiring frontiers who wish to enter the organization may be inducted as a member region signatory, which shall require the unanimous consent of currently existing member regions and require the ratification of the treaty laid herein.

  3. If a member region violates this treaty and works against another member region willingly and intentionally, said member region may be removed by a unanimous vote by all other member regions.

III. Diplomatic Relations

  1. The member regions will collectively recognize the lawful governments in force at the time of ratification of this treaty, and any legally- enacted successive authorities, as the sole legitimate governments of their respective regions.
  2. The member regions shall agree to maintain both on-site and off-site embassies with each other.
  3. The member regions agree to the initial exchange and thereafter maintenance of relevant diplomatic representatives with each other.

III. World Assembly Policy

  1. The organization will maintain a shared World Assembly policy.
  2. Each member region will assign a Minister to the organization responsible for voting on the organization’s stance on World Assembly resolutions.
  3. Each region vote will be counted proportionally based on the number of endorsements on that region’s World Assembly Delegate.
  4. In the event that a vote is not held on a particular World Assembly resolution, each region’s Delegate will be free to vote or abstain as they wish.

III. Military Policy

  1. The member regions agree not to engage in any military hostilities, regardless of said nature, against one another.
    a. Being on opposing sides of the raider-defender alignment of a gameplay operation unrelated to the specific target in question being a signatory of this treaty laid herein does not entail engaging in hostilities against one another.

  2. The member regions will not attempt to overthrow one another’s legitimate governments.

  3. The member regions shall defend one another, to the best of their ability, and at the request of another member region.
    [color=green]4. The organization will maintain a shared military task force in addition to the member regions’ own militaries.
    a. Each member region will assign at least one officer to be a representative to this task force.
    b. This task force may be deployed upon a majority vote of the organization’s members to advance the military goals of the organization as described in Article I, Section 1, Subsection c.[/color]

  4. If the organization embarks on a joint military mission, the member regions agree to share complete plans with each other and allow each other to withdraw if deemed necessary by a member region’s government.

IV. Intelligence Sharing

  1. The member regions shall provide information to all other member regions’ heads of government which is pertinent to any members’s regional security.
  2. The member regions will not disclose information provided to them under this section publicly without the providing member region’s authorization.
  3. The member regions will not instigate or participate in any espionage or other clandestine operations against one another.

V. General Provisions

  1. This treaty will come into effect upon its ratification by the following Founding regions: Carcassonne, Communitas, Vibonia, and the Wellspring.
  2. This treaty may be amended within the context of further provisional specifications made by concurrent legislation passed by each member region’s respective government.
  3. Any signatory will endeavor to give ten days notice before withdrawing from the treaty.