Opening Address of Empress Pauline

Citizens of Carcassonne,

I would very much like to thank you all for your kind words and expressions of confidence upon my election as Empress. I look forward to serving the region, even as, like so many of you, I feel sadness about the still-recent loss of Ysengrim.

As the Senate discussed the region’s course of action amid Ysengrim’s absence, the question arose of how to treat Ysengrim’s style and title if he returned after a successor was elected. I would like to address this now. In recognition of his years of service, I award Ysengrim the title King of Gévaudan. If he returns and renews his citizenship, he may use this style.

Like Ysengrim, I will focus my efforts on the responsibilities mandated to the Monarch by law: the security of our region, its military, and the World Assembly. I will work closely with the elected government, our Minister-President Stelmund, and his Cabinet to ensure the will of the people is maintained.

My first priority will be working on our bot, Dame Carcas. Some functionality, such as its welcome and manual recruitment cogs, still work. Others, such as API recruitment and its endotarting cogs, do not. I plan to repair these if I can, or, if not, replace those functions with another piece of technology.

My second priority is rebuilding our military, the Grand Army of the Crowned Republic. It has been a while since we have participated in any operations. There should first be a recruitment drive, and then we should get our feet wet again. Our military was founded on the twin goals of defending Frontiers which fall under attack as well as dismantling Wastelands. Both prongs of this strategy provide learning opportunities for new soldiers and promote our region’s foreign policy values.

Once these two goals are achieved, I would like to promote our region’s WA participation in both the General Assembly and Security Council. We have citizens who have experience writing resolutions, and I would like to uplift them and create paths to share their expertise.

Thank you again to the Senate for your vote of confidence in me, the Citizens of Carcassonne for your support and endorsements, and Porfloxonne for your work as Regent this past week. I hope that this will be a speedy delegate transition, and I look forward to getting to work on behalf of the Crowned Republic.

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