Ecclesia Testing



Oh I love testing! qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbgnm

Oh yay! Abababskflalslkkajhhjakjifoo0?!

Yes, and other nonsense.

I have an idea. What if we can host elections both here and on the discord, compare them both. For example, if 2 people were vote saltidia for minister of worldbuilding on the discord, and 3 on the Forums, the vote count could me merged to 5, if that makes sense. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.

a) this is a test
b) of lists
c) if it works
d) it should be indented

  1. this is a test
  2. of lists
  3. if it works
  4. it should be indented

How has literally no-one replied to this



To ladratia or my idea?

[list=a] test

I think it’s [pre][list=a]test[/list][/pre]


  1. foo
  2. bar

Omg it works

  1. list1
  2. list2
  1. This thing
  2. Another thing
  3. Something else
  1. something
    1. This thing
    2. Another thing
    3. Something else
  2. something2
    1. This thing
    2. Another thing
    3. Something else
  3. something 3
    1. something
    2. something
    3. something
