[DRAFT] Hostile Regions List Act

  1. The Ecclesia shall maintain an official list of Hostile Regions.
    a) This list shall be publicly available to all.
    b) This list shall include names of regions as well as reasoning for their being on the list.
    c) The Ecclesia may vote to add regions to this list.
    i. A majority of at least 60% is required to add a region to the list.
    d) The Ecclesia must review the Hostile Regions List at least once yearly.
    e) All regions tagged “Fascist” are to be considered hostile by default.
  2. Members of Hostile Regions shall not be permitted to gain citizenship of Carcassonne.
  3. It shall be a crime for a Citizen of Carcassonne to join a Hostile Region.
    a) This is not retroactive: existing dual-members of Carcassonne and a Hostile Region shall not be considered to be guilty of a crime when a region is added to the List.
  4. The Grand Army of Carcassonne is authorised and encouraged to take military action against Hostile Regions.

Potential bill based on discussion:

Hostile Regions List Act

  1. The Citizen-Speaker shall maintain an official list of Hostile Regions.
    1. This list shall be publicly available to all citizens.
    2. This list shall include names of regions as well as reasoning for their being on the list.
  2. The Minister-President may propose changes to the list, including adding/removing regions or changing reasonings.
    1. To take effect, these changes must by approved by a majority of at least 60% of voting citizens.
    2. Citizens may not vote on changes to the status of other regions they are members of.
  3. The Ecclesia must review the Hostile Regions List at least once every year.
    3. All regions tagged “Fascist” are to be considered hostile by default.
  4. Members of Hostile Regions shall not be permitted to gain citizenship of Carcassonne.
  5. It shall be a crime for a Citizen of Carcassonne to be a member of a Hostile Region.
    1. This is not retroactive: existing dual-members of Carcassonne and a Hostile Region shall not be considered to be guilty of a crime when a region is added to the List.
  6. The Grand Army of Carcassonne is authorized and encouraged to take military action against Hostile Regions.