Author’s summary:
What this bill does:
- The Ecclesia will nominate a slate of candidates to lead each ministry.
- The Minister-President would then appoint their cabinet ministers from among the nominated candidates.
- Ministers may then be recalled if they lose the confidence of the Ecclesia.
- This enables government accountability by having the Ecclesia essentially confirm and recall Ministerial nominees, without forcing the incoming Minister-President to wait for weeks while the Ecclesia votes in their Ministers (as would occur if the nominations happened after the regular Minister-President elections).
What this bill does not do:
- Prevent the Minister-President from appointing additional Ministers (the Minister-President is still free to appoint additional ministries or other cabinet/government positions)
- Prevent ministries from being changed (the list of permanent ministries can always be easily changed as our region grows via amendment)
- Elect ministers (the Minister-President continues to appoint their cabinet, though the ecclesia will nominate a slate of candidates for the Minister-President to choose from for the each permanent ministry listed below)
- Affect current ministers (the bill takes effect during the next election)
Hereby adds Chapter IV to The Electoral Code, to take effect during the next election for Minister-President:
Chapter IV: Permanent Ministries
- The Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Recruitment and Welcoming, and Culture shall be considered permanent ministries.
- The Ecclesia shall nominate candidates to lead each permanent ministry upon the conclusion of elections for Minister-President.
- Any citizen of Carcassonne stand for nomination to lead up to 2 permanent Ministries.
- All citizens may support up to 3 nominees for each permanent ministry.
- All nominees with supported by a majority of voters shall be nominated by the Ecclesia to the Minister-President.
- If less than 2 citizens are nominated by the Ecclesia to lead a permanent ministry, the 2 candidates with most support will be nominated.
- The Minister-President shall appoint a Minister to lead each permanent ministry from among the citizens nominated by the Ecclesia.
- No person may lead multiple permanent ministries simultaneously.
- This law shall not abridge the Minister-President’s capacity to appoint other government officials from among all citizens in good standing.
- Ministers leading each permanent ministry shall serve while they enjoy the confidence of the Ecclesia, and shall tender their resignation to the Monarch should they be unable to serve or the Ecclesia votes no confidence in their tenure.
Helpful links
Constitution: Constitution of Carcassonne
Electoral Code: The Electoral Code